
About Us

Our friends at the Mendon Fire Department, Saint Catherine of Siena Catholic Church and Mendon Church furnish us with a place to meet. The Mendon Fire Department provides a place for us to store Pack equipment.

  • Chartered in 19xx - Pack 105 is a member of the Towpath District, Seneca Waterways Council, and Boy Scouts of America.
  • Sponsoring Organization: Mendon Fire Department.
  • Pack Meetings: Mendon Fire Department held once a month
  • Den Meetings: held twice or three times per month.
  • Currently we have 58 Scouts and 24 registered adult volunteers.
  • Cub Scout Pack 105 serves the Honeoye Falls - Lima School District.


Pack 105 uses E-Blasts - newsletters, Email messages, and this website to provide and distribute important information.


Pack Meeting are held usually on the third Thursday of every month (except for Holidays) at 6:30pm and last about 90 minutes. Den Meetings are typically held twice a month on various days. Refer to the "Calendar" for additional information.


All Scouts are expected to wear the Field Uniform at Den and Pack Meetings during the school year. Activity uniforms are permitted at the summer meetings. If you are new to the Scouting program, please come as you are (no uniform required) and see if our Pack is right for you!

Cub Scout Handbooks

Each Scout must have a Cub Scout Handbook appropriate to their level. It should have the Scout's name clearly marked on the outside edge of the book pages or on the cover. All Advancements are in the book as well as other helpful information about the Scout program.


Cub Scout advancement requirements are signed off by you the parent and the registered adult leaders. Pack 105 will assist in tracking advancements. Each Scout needs to make sure that his advancement is recorded.

When a Scout has met all the Rank requirements (Tiger, Bobcat, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos), the Rank emblem will be presented at either a Pack meeting or the Blue and Gold Banquet.

Campouts and Equipment

Cub Scout trips are normally one-day excursions. On occasion, local councils (e.g., Seneca Waterways Council) will sponsor an overnight camping trip. Campouts are generally twice per year, where an adult partner is encouraged to participate with the Scout. The Scout/Adult Partner Team needs to provide their own sleeping gear, tent, and personal items. If you do not own a tent, please see a Cubmaster and arrangements may be made on a loan basis. All Scouts are responsible to "be prepared" for the campouts. Appropriate clothing and gear are to be planned for and brought to each campout. A general list of equipment is available prior to the outing and will be posted on this site. All Scouts must sign up for and pay camping fees prior to the campout.


Included in the cost to join is the BSA registration fee, Insurance and pack dues.