Pack 105 is a traditional Cub Scout organization that was chartered in 1973. The Pack actively involves parents with their boys in pursuit of achievements that teach the boys many important social, personal, and life skills. The pack is organized into Dens where the boys usually meet weekly to work on their achievements towards rank advancement. Recognition of advancement is made at the monthly pack meetings.
Annual Pack events include:
- Family Early Fall Campout (tents, cabins)
- Family Late Fall Campout
- Family Winter Campout (tents, cabins)
- Spring Den Campouts (tents, local)
- Summer Cub Scout Adventure Camp (Camp Cutler)
- Charity Carnival
- Scouting for Food - Collecting canned and boxed food for the local food shelf
- Caroling at a Honeoye Falls Nursing Home
- Conservation Projects
- Other service projects organized by individual Dens
- AOL Scout Brigade in Canada
- Orienteering at Mendon Ponds Park
- Pinewood Derby
- Memorial Day and the Firemans' Parades
- Blue and Gold Banquet
- Scout Night Skiing at Bristol Mountain
- Bicycle Rodeo
- Pumpkin Chuckin'
- Bowling
- Museums and other outings with individual Dens
Fundraising Events:
- Cub Scout Popcorn Sales
- Mendon Fireman’s Carnival Booth